
Thursday, February 18, 2010

...di sebalik ferrero rocher...

waa!!it seems today is my happy day..why??coz i got ferrero rocher from zie!!tp jap2..npe zie tbe nk bg??em...ntah..ala org dh bg,ambik je la kn haha...nyway thanx zie for that three ferrero rocher..aik 3 je??~mk oi xbersyukur lgsg huhu...zie ckp,3 ni de mkne mkne tersirat tu,nti2 la org kaji...

actually,org juz terigt something ble tgk ferrero rocher ni...first time dpt ferrero rocher secare surprise.time tu muke org mcm dgr brite sukan mlysia mng bola sepak world cup(mknenye terkejot yg teramat sgt huhu....)kenangan terindah kot..huhu..rahsie...then 2nd time bile birthday,ummi bg sebekas ferrero rocher.waa mmg bhgie r mse ptg siang mlm asek senyum je coz bhgie haha..then time kt flight.dpt gk..time ni rse nk peluk je akak pramugari tu coz bg ferrero rocher...then today zie lk yg bg...thank you so much!!~apsl la org tulis post ni mcm xprnh jupe ferrero rocher je ek??huhu xkesa la.juz nk expressed my 'penghargaan' to those who gave me ferrero rocher...

~will never forget this three ferrero rochers...dlm mknenye haha...


Is said...

love ferrero rocher so much~....xsabar nak g langkawi...borong banyak2...